Registration for 2017 Summer League is NOW OPEN!!
domingo, abril 23, 2017 3:01 PM



Early registration for up to 8 players is $350.00 as long as you register prior to May 31st.  After May 31st registration fee will increase to $400.00.  So get your team registered NOW!!  You have more than 8 players??  Don't worry!  You may add on additional players for $50.00 each.

Your team will have the chance to win.... 

Grand Prize:


*6-month free membership for each player


2nd Place:

*6-month free membership for each player


Kick-off game starts July 9th at 2:00pm.  All games are held on Sunday's and began at 2:00pm.

If you have any questions please contact Michelle Dickson at 804-321-6761 extension 226.  I look forward to seeing you all.....Let's ball!!